Friday, September 3, 2010


Rehab school renews push for Mui Wo

The principal of Christian Zheng Sheng College has renewed his call for
the government to speed up the school's relocation to Mui Wo.

Friday, September 03, 2010

The principal of Christian Zheng Sheng College has renewed his
call for the government to speed up the school's relocation to Mui Wo.

Alman Chan Siu-cheuk said there is great demand for the drug rehabilitation

school, with at least 20 inquiries from parents each week. Several employers

have also offered jobs to graduates.

However, the relocation is being opposed by Mui Wo residents and the

Education Bureau has been sitting on the school's application to join the

3-3-4 secondary education stream.

"The government says it has been bargaining with Mui Wo residents but

still needs more time," Chan said.

In addition, he said plans to temporarily expand the current site are still

being put on hold.

A spokesman from the Narcotics Division of the Security Bureau said it

has been actively exchanging views on temporary improvement measures,

long-term reprovisioning

arrangements and other related matters with the Christian Zheng Sheng

Association. "We have all along supported the proposal in principle, which

isin line with the government's anti-drug policy," the spokesman said.

"The Legislative Council education panel is following up the matter. The

administration will respond to members' suggestions and provide a

progress report later this month," the spokesman said.

An Education Bureau spokeswoman said the Education Ordinance would be

strictly followed when processing the application to join the secondary stream.


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