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半裸婦伏屍大嶼山山頭 失鼻子胸肌 不排除遭侵犯
【明報專訊】大嶼山 白銀鄉山頭昨早發現一具半裸女屍。消息稱,死者的面褲失去,內褲褪下,上身衣衫不整,胸圍移位,而屍體已嚴重腐爛,鼻及胸口肉塊失去,估計死去約1個月。現場亦無檢獲財物或證件,警方暫未確定死者身分,不排除涉及性侵犯或刑事成分,由於需作進一步調查,案件暫列「屍體發現」處理。
死去逾月 面褲不知所終
倒臥行山者便溺地 內褲褪下
未檢證件財物 今登山蒐證
昨早11時許,有行山人士行經上址時,發現有一具人形物體倒卧地上,他懷疑有人暈倒於是報警。警方到場後證實是一具死去多時的女屍,遂即封鎖現場調查,及至傍晚6時許始召黑箱車到場,由仵工將屍體舁送葵涌 公眾殮房等候檢驗。
本港山頭不時發生情節離奇的屍體發現案。去年6月,一名青年行經葵涌葵盛圍高盛臺對下山坡小路時,因手上戒指掉落人迹罕至的山坡,當他爬下尋找時,未料發現一具腐爛至見骨的屍體。警方未能尋獲死者的身分證明文件,而屍體的年齡及性別亦未能分辨,需驗屍鑑定。另外,2008年2月,行山人士在荃灣 城門水塘發現一具無身分證明的女屍淹浸水中,警方調查後亦一度未能確定是否涉刑事成分。
Ming Pao Pak Ngan Heung, Lantau Island mountains Zuozao a half-naked woman whose body was found. According to reports, the deceased's face pants lost, underwear Tunxia, Yishanbuzheng upper body, chest displacement, while the body was badly decomposed, nose and chest Meat Loaf to lose an estimated death of about 1 month. The scene nor the seizure of property or documents, the police yet to determine the identity of the deceased did not exclude those involving sexual assault or a criminal element, due to the need for further investigation, the case behind in "the body was found in" processing.
Dead pants disappeared over the moon's surface
Police estimated that the woman was about 30 to 50 years old, died more than 1 month, officers, after a preliminary inspection body confirmed that the deceased lost his nose, chest and ribs on both sides did not Meat Loaf, was found with his face to heaven, head-foot direction of lying. Although the deceased wearing a T-shirt and jacket, but the clothes are not neat, Bust away, Tunxia underpants, his feet still wear sneakers, but face pants have disappeared, lifeless bizarre.
Lying on those soil in underwear hiking Tunxia
The police blocked the hills after the investigation, but did not find any property or identity documents, there are investigators revealed that analysis of mountain environments, it is believed the site no signs of struggle or struggle, hikers on the site believed to be the "soil hot land", the deceased may be to the Department to urinate, but could not explain why the loss of the deceased and Yishanbuzheng pants.
As the cases of highly suspicious, though could not be established whether there are criminal elements, but the police officers will be arranged today, found mountains of gathering evidence and will conduct an autopsy to determine whether the deceased has been attacked or sexually assaulted, and trace the cause of death as well as the identity of etc. Investigations by District Crime Investigation Team, Lantau Island No. 2 Team.
Pak Ngan Heung-site on Lantau Island on the right about 1 km, Wang Du Pass summit near a jungle, looking away from the site of the concrete crossing Au hiking trails about 50 meters, covered with a high waist of the plant, few people passing through, but along the way There is a suspect had been made often trampled on the dirt, do not rule out for the hikers hidden soil Division.
This property is not seized documents, forensic Mountaineering
Zuozao 11 o'clock, there are hikers passing through the site, we found that there is a humanoid objects lying on the ground, he suspected that someone fainted then. The police arrived at the scene proved to be a dead woman's body for a long time, moved for the blockade site investigation and, until 6 pm before the evening call black-box cars to the scene, working the body physically carried by the Wu Kwai Chung Public Mortuary to send wait for the test.
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